There is a problem that trigger massive growth of launchorbiter log.
If you add/remove a usb device it´ll trigger massive logging in launchorbiter log file (40-50 entries per second).
That´ll quickly fill up any hdd.
After ad/remove of usb device do a reboot of your machine.
I cannot explain why AVWizard start when hdd is full. It did that for me too when I had the same issue.
For me a simple delete of the log file and a reboot solved it all. Had to rerun AVWizard though.
If your mysql db still do not start try to run mysql repair tools.
In the future you´ll want to have a backup of your db.
You can do that from within lmce-admin.
No USBs unplugged. Just as I described. If a developer would like to comment, please feel free. I would really like to know if what I described was possibly what could have happened.
I'm fully reinstalled on a larger OS drive and the system with 6 users, about 15 lighting devices, 2 MDs and 3 Orbiters in addition to the OnScreenOrbiters on the MDs and 2 cameras, takes up only about 16Gigs so far on the OS (sda1) drive. I have an additional 1.5TB data drive with 185 DVD images on it, no media is on the OS drive. I know (sda1) will grow in time with logs and cameras recording, but for now after 24 hrs since reinstallation, all seems well and no runaway logs.