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Smartphone running Windows Mobile 6 as a Mobile Orbiter

Started by purps, April 28, 2009, 08:09:41 PM

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Hello all,

I have the original o2 XDA orbit, and have been having some problems getting it set up.

Firstly, the wifi is knackered, so I need to use bluetooth (the dongle is plugged into a media director).

I have installed on my phone, and have added a Windows smartphone 2005 through the admin pages. When I run the software on my phone, I see the "minimising in 10 seconds....." message, and then it either minimises, or closes, I cannot be sure.

What am I supposed to do next? I can't seem to find a wiki page explaining what I should do to get it to connect to the system. I would be using the automatic detection feature, but for some reason it doesn't detect my phone any more (I know it should work, because it has done in the past.... not that I managed to get the phone working - is there perhaps a way of turning all this into a "clean slate" so that I can try this method again?).

I know the bluetooth is working too because this is the method that I used to get the onto my phone (i.e. sending it from KDE desktop).
1004 RC :: looking good :: upgraded 01/04/2013
my setup :: [url=""][/url]


I am not sure about the Smartphone version, but the symbian version, it shows up in the app menu, and I can launch it.

Look for the orbiter to be running, and see if you can maximize the window.


Thanks for the reply.

It doesn't appear to be in the "programs that are running" bit, and if I press the Orbiter launcher a second time, it crashes the phone (gives me multiple error noises whenever anything is pressed and locks up completely).

I wondered if I have installed the correct CAB file? Or whether I could somehow "start from scratch" and try the automatic installation again?
1004 RC :: looking good :: upgraded 01/04/2013
my setup :: [url=""][/url]