Has anyone built the orbiter on debian unstable? I'm having problems with the final linking. I'm using an svn checkout from the 10th and I've tried both g++-3.3.6 and g++-4.0.3 with the same results. Upon linking of the orbiter I get a mess of these errors:
`.L8111' referenced in section `.rodata' of Linux/OSDScreenHandler.o: defined in discarded section `.gnu.linkonce.t._ZN3DCE17ScreenHandlerBase25ReceivedGotoScreenMessageEiPNS_7MessageE' of Linux/OSDScreenHandler.o
other than that the compile is uneventfull. Even less so with g++4 as it gave out even fewer warning messages. I am just looking to see if anyone has tried this or has an idea of how to start trouble shooting it. I know pluto is built on debian stable and my pluto core is the only machine I run stable on, with all others in my house running unstable (no windows here). I'd like to run an orbiter on my laptop. I've tried the web orbiter and it works ok, but the refresh rate of the site get anoying after a while.
Thanks for any help,