ivanp, excellent help thank you, I will check them out, hopefully they'll help.
colinjones, yes I've vented here, sorry it offends. I found a great ~25 minute promo video for LinuxMCE singing the praises about how an installation requires one bit of user intervention (choosing the drive to install the bundle onto) and it was all nice and seamless after that. I could be wrong, but I don't seem to remember it discussing any caveats, dual-nic requirements, pay attention to differences between any versions (like core, media director) etc. I found the video linked from the LinuxMCE site here:
http://wiki.linuxmce.org/index.php/Videoquoting from that doc - "CAVEATS: Not much. So far most users have reported it works as expected on the first try so long as the video card is compatible. The Quick install DVD I used in the video is more foolproof than the CD, however, you have to watch out for the network connection as mentioned below under the "The setup wizard".
then I followed the directions in this section of the guide:
http://wiki.linuxmce.org/index.php/Video#.5B0:27.5D_The_setup_wizardI have *one* nic, and when it didn't work I configured a static IP on the correct network as suggested by that section of the setup guide, and it still didn't work, I was unable to browse web from the KDE desktop.
lastly colinjones, things that irk me most about new software is when it doesn't work, I have to spend hours trying to make it work, and it doesn't work as advertised/live up to the hype. to be clear, YOU risk alienating new users by incorrect setting of expectations and also YOUR tone. I'm less likely to try this software because of YOUR response, and more likely to try it because of ivanp's response.
sorry the tone of my posting is so .. frustrated, but it's 2009, and yes I *expect* DHCP to just work after seeing that video. rather than just getting bent out of shape on that comment, I advise taking it as useful criticism. you could change your video to highlight installation caveats, give more detail on requirements, etc. to correctly set user expectations, or change LinuxMCE to reflect the expectation level set in the video.. i.e. that this is mature enough to just work as advertised.