We have now downloaded a new Boot CD ISO image and created a new Boot CD with this image. We have then reinstalled successfully except for some errors when automatically configuring our internally facing Ethernet adapter for DHCP. We continued with the installation and the DCErouter booted sucessfully. We then remote booted one of our Media Directors...the boot went ok until we go to the following point;
'unpacking replacement xserver-xfree86'
nfs server not responding, still trying
After several attempts Media Director boot grinds to a halt...
No sign of the FontConfigurator screen seen previously
Any ideas? Is this just internal DHCP config error and if it is what might be causing it?
What was the DHCP error? Normally DHCP gives an error when its config file is wrong and it refuses to start. With DHCP off, the diskless can't boot at all.
When the Core's NFS server stopped responding, did you notice any unusual behavior on it (i.e. hard drive thrashing, 100% CPU usage, high system load - use "top" for these)? Also try pinging the diskless when the message is displayed to see if it replies back; maybe there's a network problem. What network cards are you using?
The error we get when we install the Core is;
Network Autoconfiguration Failed
Your network is probably not using the DHCP protocol. Alternatively the DHCP server may be slow or some Network hardware is not working properly.
If we then 'Continue' and then manually configure the network all appears to be ok with the Debian install completing ok and the reboot and subsequent install of the Core completing normally. However we get the the;
'unpacking replacement xserver-xfree86'
nfs server not responding, still trying
Error during the Media Director PXE boot.