To do key mapping, this must be done on a per orbiter basis.
Web Admin > Advanced > Devices > Select the orbiter you wan to change.
Now... Find the Hard Keys devicedata, notice there is a list of numbers in this field. Separated by tabs.
b 0 d m c (p1 p2 p3....)
These are separated by tab, and are set as follows:
b = PK_Button, do a select * from Button to get a list of buttons that you can map.
0 = this is typically always 0.
d = The target device. select * from DeviceTemplate WHERE PK_DeviceTemplate < 0;
m = Messagetype, this is 1 for command, 2 to send an event. If you use 2, the d = -1001 for the virtual event device.
c = The Command to send, select * from Command, to get a list of all the command numbers.
The rest of the parameters are a parameter, value pair. Look at each command in the Web Admin > Advanced > DCE > Commands, to see the commands, their parameter numbers, and what values they can take.
In short, it's like MessageSend, look at the MessageSend command.
the most common devices to use here are
-106 = The Media Plugin, anything going here will be delegated to the current media player.
-300 = The Orbiter, anything going here, will be sent to the local orbiter.