As usual a big thanks to all the help from the devs, TSChak, TKMedia, Zaerc, Hari, to name a few. Thanks a ton guys.
Here is what I did. And I'll be making a wiki page for it as well.
So, I got my dev environment and I start sifting through the Media_Plugin files for anything related to StoredVideo, Playlist, Repeat, Loop, etc. With no luck at all.
So I start thinking, maybe it's in the player itself, I do the above for Xine as well, no love. Then I find Xine_Plugin.
In Xine_Plugin there is a file called XineMediaStream.cpp and at the bottom of that file I see this:
// do not remove the playlist when we are playing stored audio. (it will just confuse the user)
if ( m_iPK_MediaType == MEDIATYPE_pluto_StoredAudio_CONST && m_iRepeat != -1)
return true;
return MediaStream::CanPlayMore();
So I think to myself "Maybe if I do the same for StoreVideo, my shit will replay. And I cut/paste the first if statement changing StoredAudio to StoredVideo and DVD so it ends up like this.
// do not remove the playlist when we are playing stored audio. (it will just confuse the user)
if ( m_iPK_MediaType == MEDIATYPE_pluto_StoredAudio_CONST && m_iRepeat != -1)
return true;
if ( m_iPK_MediaType == MEDIATYPE_pluto_StoredVideo_CONST && m_iRepeat != -1)
return true;
if ( m_iPK_MediaType == MEDIATYPE_pluto_DVD_CONST && m_iRepeat != -1)
return true;
return MediaStream::CanPlayMore();
Save file
Run 'make so'
Copy said to /usr/pluto/bin
Reload Router
And Video Playlists now loop!!
As I said I'll post detailed instructions on the wiki. Thanks again to the folks that helped me with the mechanics of working with a development environment, couldn't have done it without you.
Here is the wiki page: