Well looks like the p&p didn't work well
How did you added your phone to pluto? The normal sequence is:
1. Have a running orbiter in front of you running nothing (no media playing or something else happening)
2. Be sure that phone is reset to defaults (usually it means get IP via DHCP an no alternative servers)
3. Plug the phone (power and network cable)
4. When phone boots on some point you should see a screen on orbiter that a new p&p device was detected with MAC, and below you should see "cisco 7970", click on it.
5. After max a minute the phone should register with asterisk (if it doesn't try to reboot the phone) so you could use it as a phone.
6. In the mean time there should be an OrbiterGen running to generate screens for new orbiter.
7. After some time you'll see a screen that says that you should "quick reload" your CORE.
8. After quick reload you should be able to see orbiter in services menu.
I think that the best way for you is delete the phone from installation, and try to follow the described process (be sure you use latest pluto)
If it still doesn't work the only reason i can think of is that your phone is in some other MAC range that the one specified in device template(if you don't pass step 4), in this case edit device template for cisco 7970 by adding a new mac range, and repeat those steps (please post the mac range here so we could add it to main database)
Other posible problem is the firmware version, usually you will have problems with asterisk, and not with orbiter, but who knows...if it's a very antique version of firmware...anything can happen