You can install the latest drivers from The steps to do it are here but are a bit general, so can be hard to understand. from a terminal session (from KDE desktop, System-Konsole)
sudo apt-get install mercurial
Then follow the Retrieve and Build steps. I think you can ignore the rest of the page. You *might* have to retrieve the "kernel-headers" package, can't remember if it is installed by default with LMCE.
sudo apt-get install kernel-headers
If your kernel has the module you need built into it, there is an additional step to "blacklist" the existing module to let the new one get loaded.
nano /etc/default/linux-restricted-modules-common
Disable the kernel module DISABLED_MODULES line to read:
DISABLED_MODULES="cx88-dvb other_driver1_ other_driver2"
Other_driver1 and other_driver2 would be other module names that relate to your DVB-S card.
Also worth looking in the wiki and the DVB wiki for help
Good luck!