I have 3 of these:
http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16829118103It is plug and play, and has an optical output, which is recognized by the AV Wizard. I see from your post about the "FREE" server you got, that you don't need anything more than 2 channels, but the option is there, and fully plug and play.
Incidently, I just got a HP Proliant Single CPU (dual core) Xeon 2.8GHz machine form the company I work for that I have been using as a core. It has 2.5G of ram, and I removed the dual 36G disks, and put in a 500G SATA drive and card. It works well, and also needed a sound card, but I just happened to have one of the above, still in a box, so after finding a PCI Nvida card, now I use it as a hybrid. But most of the time it is running without "Start Media Station" checked, but when I need to watch TV down in the basement, it works well as an MD. This particular server is very quiet, and has an additional socket for another cpu, just got to find one on ebay.