The problem is that it's not able to connect to the DCERouter, which listens on port 3450. The Orbiter will attempt to connect to the Router on port 3450. So the problem is actually with the router--not the Orbiter. Is your Router running on the same computer as the Orbiter (ie a hybrid), or is it running on another computer across the network? On whatever computer the Router is running, you can type "screen -ls" to see a list of the active screen sessions. You should see one called DCERouter, if the router is running. You can also type "screen -r ID" where ID is the screen session's ID returned from screen -ls. That will attach to the DCERouter that is running so you can see what it's doing. You can also tail the DCERouter.newlog in /var/log/pluto to see what it's doing (you'll see the same thing as if you attach to the screen session). If you have time when you get this, please click on 'live help' so we can have an instant chat and narrow it down. I'll then post the results back in this forum.