yeah, read about that. but I am not sure if it applies to me. Since it's only when I have the N95 orbiter visible but not connected as orbiter that I get that message all the time. When I make it invisible the continous popup stops. Think it could be that everytime the bluetooth radio scans it finds the n95, and displays the message(?) haven't looked at it that much since it works will check that log. Thanks!
I am using a cheap Dlink thingy..btw
Gah.. trying to add a logfile from the orbiter but keep getting this message.
"Cannot access attachments upload path!" I have the file on my windows laptop and have had no previous problems with uploading files etc. can it be my account not having the proper rights?
here's a snapshot of the log though: (ip has been xx:ed out by me)
WMControllerImpl: switching to primary desktop 0
10 10/13/08 21:02:06,596 WMControllerImpl: user's current desktop: 1091792896
35 10/13/08 21:02:06,597 WmCtrl::ActionCommand('s', '(null)', '0', 0, (nil))
10 10/13/08 21:02:06,601 WMControllerImpl: switching to primary desktop 0
05 10/13/08 21:02:10,607 [33;1mConnect() failed, Error Code 113 (No route to host))[0m
10 10/13/08 21:02:13,797 WizardLogic::Setup using host ((nil))
01 10/13/08 21:02:13,830 [31;1mConnect failed Host '2XX.1XX.XX.X' is not allowed to connect to this MySQL server
also alot of these:
display : 0xe144f8
serial : 27
error_code :
request_code : 7
minor_code :
resourceid : 31457281
ErrorText : BadFont (invalid Font parameter)
Xlib: ErrorHandler_Grabber()
type : 0
display : 0xe144f8
serial : 28
error_code :
request_code : F
minor_code :
resourceid : 31457287
ErrorText : BadGC (invalid GC parameter)
Xlib: ErrorHandler_Grabber()
type : 0
display : 0xe144f8
serial : 29
error_code :
request_code : J
minor_code :
resourceid : 31457288
ErrorText : BadGC (invalid GC parameter)
Xlib: ErrorHandler_Grabber()
type : 0
display : 0xe144f8
serial : 30
error_code :
request_code :
Belieive the biggest problem is that it can't connect due to "no route to host" which is strange because after reset of device in LMCE admin it usually works =/
anyhow.. this log helps me alot. Now I can see more what happens when fiddling around.
I consider this issue solved. It's just a matter of tuning the routing abit more.
Thanks nite_man!