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I have lost the ability to use MythTV as well. I think I have found the problem, but unfortunately I have not found the solution. I found this message in the IVTV mailing list posted 2.21.06, I'm seeing same thing. DCERouter also runs out of memory occasionally.This message is exactly what I am seeing in my logs with one exception I have 2 PVR250 cards and either are having the tuners set properly. I am eagerly awaiting the response on the IVTV list for a possible fix. Try search the dmesg and see if you see messages like:ivtv0: i2c attach to card0 ok [client=(tuner unset), addr=61]Tuner 2-0061 not setThese are the errors that I am seeing which leads me to believe that it is related the IVTV and Kernel issues given all of the recent changes to how the modules are loaded and which modules need to be loaded (ie kernel vs. compiled modules)I hope this helps,Rob
dcerouter_260:~$ dmesg | grep tunertuner 5-0061: tuner type not settuner 5-0061: tuner type not settuner 5-0061: tuner type not settuner 5-0061: tuner type not set
cd /lib/modules/`uname -r`/kernel/drivers/media/video/mv msp3400.ko.saved msp3400.ko mv tveeprom.ko.saved tveeprom.komv tuner.ko.saved tuner.komv saa7115.ko.saved saa7115.ko
cd /lib/modules/`uname -r`/extramv msp3400.ko msp3400.ko.old mv tveeprom.ko tveeprom.ko.oldmv tuner.ko tuner.ko.oldmv saa7115.ko saa7115.ko.old
depmod -ae