Hi all,
i needed a custom resolution (1680x1050). So i first wanted to prevent LinuxMCE from modifying the xorg.conf, but i saw that i can edit the template(xorg.conf.in + Resolution.conf)
I did done this with:http://wiki.linuxmce.org/index.php/Custom_Display_Resolutions
Here are my modifications:
< Driver "fglrx"
> Driver "vesa"
< Option "UseEDID" "true"
> Option "UseEDID" "false"
< name = "abc"
< width = 1680
< height = 1050
> name = "1080p"
> width = 1920
> height = 1080
< name = "1680x1050"
< width = 1680
< height = 1050
< aspect_ratio = "16:9"
< modeline
< {
< refresh = 60
< builtin = true
< }
< modeline
< {
< refresh = 75
< builtin = true
< }
< visible = true
< }
After setting the custom resolution in the AVWIZARD(Step1) there comes an interesting warning message:
Warning option: 'WindowWidth' not stored because it gets an empty value+ WizSet WindowHeight ' '
Warning option: 'WindowHeight' not stored because it gets an empty value+ WizSet VideoOutput DVI
It looks like WindowWidth var is empty and the WindowHeight gets the worng input from the var VideoOutput
Does any one see my Problem?:O)
Thanks for help