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Mythtv Autotranscode from mythweb? (Solved)

Started by jondecker76, August 13, 2008, 04:17:35 AM

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I've been using mythweb for my scheduling. I always check the boxes to Auto-flag commercials and auto-transcode.
It appears that the commercials get flagged, but auto-transcode never runs. This is confirmed by watching the Job Queue  on the status page.

What can I do to get auto-transcode working correctly? I would really like the commercials to be skipped, along with having smaller file sizes for my recording.



here is a copy an paste of my job queue

Job Queue
Jobs currently in Queue or recently ended:

Tue 8/12 11:30 PM - Jaws 2 - Flag Commercials
Jaws 2 (11:30 PM-2:00 AM)
Job: Flag Commercials
Status: Starting
Status Time: Wed Aug 13 2:00 AM
Host: moon104

Tue 8/12 11:30 PM - Jaws 2 - Save the recorded show into Pluto's database
Jaws 2 (11:30 PM-2:00 AM)
Job: Save the recorded show into Pluto's database
Status: Queued
Status Time: Wed Aug 13 2:00 AM

Wed 8/13 11:00 AM - Hannah Montana - Flag Commercials
Hannah Montana (11:00 AM-11:30 AM)
My Boyfriend's Jackson and There's Gonna Be Trouble

Job: Flag Commercials
Status: Starting
Status Time: Wed Aug 13 11:30 AM
Host: moon104

Wed 8/13 11:00 AM - Hannah Montana - Save the recorded show into Pluto's database
Hannah Montana (11:00 AM-11:30 AM)
My Boyfriend's Jackson and There's Gonna Be Trouble

Job: Save the recorded show into Pluto's database
Status: Queued
Status Time: Wed Aug 13 11:30 AM


as you can see, only "Flag Commercials" and "Save the recorded show into Pluto's database" jobs are being added to the queue. I also made sure that the backend has the autotranscode option enabled, as well as the autotranscode option for the recordings.


I am pretty sure you need to add a job for that. I can remember having to do this in my Knoppmyth Days, add a job to export the file to a smaller container. But I may be mistaken.

Perhaps there is something here. It mentions setting up recording profiles and transcoding settings in mythtv's setup.

I too am now curious about this, as I have not tried it in some years.


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thanks, good read.

I'll try it out when I get home. My ultimate goal is to just have commercials automaticallty removed after they are tagged, no other resizing etc... This will make watching the shows better, as well as saving a lot of hard drive space. If I get it figured out I'll post back here and throw something in the wiki.


Following that article, autotranscode worked - my commercials were successfully pulled out automatically. Saved about 150MB of space for a 30 minute recording - not bad.

Also, now that I understand recording profiles, I was also able to set mythtv to record in 16x9 format which I prefer.

I'll be doing a wiki on it soon, but the process is as easy as going to myth Utilities/Setup->Setup->TV Settings->Recording Profiles and then selecting my card (pvr500). There is an option  to "Enable auto-transcode after recording" - i had to check that. While on this screen I also selected 16:9 as the recording ratio. then I went back to the previous screen and chose the transcoding option. Here I just had to enable the Lossless transcoding on the "Autodetect from MPEG2" profile and that was it. You also have to enable the Auto Transcode option for each and every show you record. I only use mythweb for this now, and its a simple checkbox.

After these changes, the very next recording recorded in 16:9 format, tagged the commercials, then transcoded the changes (which was faster than I thought it would be)
Here was the job queue:

Wed 8/13 4:30 PM - Hannah Montana - Flag Commercials
Hannah Montana (4:30 PM-5:00 PM)
Oops! I Meddled Again

Job: Flag Commercials
Status: Finished
Status Time: Wed Aug 13 5:24 PM
Host: moon85

Finished, 3 break(s) found.
Wed 8/13 4:30 PM - Hannah Montana - Transcode
Hannah Montana (4:30 PM-5:00 PM)
Oops! I Meddled Again

Job: Transcode
Status: Finished
Status Time: Wed Aug 13 6:13 PM
Host: moon85

Autodetect: 1.3 GB => 1.0 GB
Wed 8/13 4:30 PM - Hannah Montana - Save the recorded show into Pluto's database


Wow. That's great. Looks as though I a going to be setting this up this evening. Now with the ability to add season cover art via mythweb, and crop out the commercials, viewing my tv shows via the LMCE video menu, going forward, will be how I watch TV  ;D

I look forward to your wiki. Thanks for muddling it out!


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I highly recommend reading this article detailing how to manually flag commercials using the editor, and how to manually transcode your older recordings.

In about 3 hours of time last night, I manually flagged commercials and transcoded about 100 old recordings (Ok, a lot of them were already commercial flagged, but I still checked through them for accuracy). The editor is a very simple and genious system that made doing this very easy. Also, for the lossless transcoding, it is very fast, taking only a few minutes per recording. I found the editor very fun and easy to use. All of my recodings now have no lead-in, and no commercials. Not to mention that I freed up almost 400GB of disk space.

The quick-and-dirty:
Play any video in MythTV. Hit "M" to bring up the menu, and choose the Editor option. You will be brought into the timeline editor (a timeline bar will appear at the bottom). Hit the "Z" key to load the current commercial cutlist (if there is one). Now you can edit the existing cutlist for more accuracy, or start building your own. The controls are simple:
Up/Down Arrows - changes how much time you move along the timeline with each Left/Right Arrow press. (the current amount is shown in the bottom-right of the screen) This varies from 1 frame, to 1 second, 1 minute, 1 cutpoint, etc...

Left/Right Arrows - Move you along the timeline by the amount set by the Up/Down arrows

Enter - Cutpoint operation. You can insert a new cutpoint, move the closest existing cutpoint to this location, delete the closest cutpoint, etc..

Esc - Done

After you have the cutpoints, from the movie playing, hit "M" again to bring up the menu, Transcode->Profile (I select Default), and the transcoding job will be added to the Queue.

Again, once set up right, new recording will automatically flag commercial cutpoints and transcode each new recording. (i've found the accuracy to be quite good)


I have wiki'd a detailed HowTo on making this all automatic here:

Please give it a try, and feel free to correct any errors, and post your thoughts.


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You guys are awesome! Ive been looking at the myth wiki for a few days trying to figure this out. Will try it out later tonight

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