I'm definitely interested to see the process you used to modify the existing skin.
Nice work on the new screen too, I like that MUCH better than the default.
This seems like a good time to bring something up...it would be really nice if we had a way to do some conditional skinning, maybe some quick toggles in the web admin would do the trick nicely. In this example I'm thinking security cameras, not all of them can move and not all of them have zoom in/out in the template either. Whether than clutter the screen and confuse the user with buttons that won't do anything, why not make their visibility conditional? I'm not sure how this would work in HADesigner, but a flag on the button such has HasZoom and the same in the device template, just a nice easy checkbox so older templates can be updated easily should do the trick.
What do you guys think? It would certainly clean things up a bit and make the experience for the end user more pleasant in my mind.