I've been having some trouble the last few days finding the correct xorg.conf settings for the Intel 965 graphics chipset (for the newer AOpen MiniPC). First off, everything is great if I boot up using the Kubuntu 8.04 Live CD. Maybe I'm just not that familiar with the way Hardy tweaks the video card but there's no useful info in the xorg.conf file. After a quick search, it looks like you have to use the command "gtf [horiz] [vert] [refresh]" to find out the proper modeline settings. So, I grab those numbers (which can be found using 7.10, also) and punch then manually into xorg.conf and xorg.conf.pluto.avwizardr.
No dice.
I've tried using apt-get to upgrade xserver-xorg-video-intel for the newest drivers with no luck. I've also manually punched in the i810 driver but it still keeps me restricted to low resolution settings.
What's different on the video config side between Kubuntu 8.04 and the LMCE 7.10? How can I use the settings in 8.04 for 7.10 RC2?
It's really frustrating because the MiniPC looks great on 4 different monitors/HDTVs in 8.04 but I can't get above 1024x768 in LMCE.
I'm sure I'm not the only person chomping at the bit to use the MiniPCs as Core/Hybrid and Media Directors. They're so beautiful!