I've followed the advice from this post:
http://forum.linuxmce.org/index.php?topic=4609.0But just realized that they had been talking about getting everything set up before running the fix.
In my case, I install Kubuntu 7.10 desktop from CD ISO, it's running at the correct resolution (1280x1024). Then I install LinuxMCE 7.10 from CDs. Everything seems to be fine. Reboot occurs, and the last line before starting AVWizard is "Restarting UPnP Media Server fuppesd". Then I get the screen "AVWizard" with content "Failed to Startup X." and and OK button. I've tried to ctrl+alt+F2 into the second terminal, and I ran "startx" with full success (except I couldn't start any app's in kubuntu). What is up? I've tried using just DVI, just VGA, and both plugged in (seems to default to DVI). My xorg.conf file was cleaned up like the suggestions. I'm at a complete loss.
If you need hardware details beyond the video card and that I'm running a pentium dual core 2.8.