So I have all my music on a windows xp mce. It is all setup with ID3 tags, and album art. There doesn't seem to be an easy way to transfer files back and forth between Windows and LinuxMCE. I put the files in the public/audio and one cd sometimes turns into 15, all with the same name, with one track in each of them. When I finally go through and combine them all, sometimes it sticks, and sometimes when I restart all the other CDs appear again. Plus, understandable that the album art is different, no album art shows up. I am a true audiophile and listen to all types of music. Between me and my girlfriend we have upwards of 700 CDs on Windows XP mce so to transfer each over seems to be one heck of a project. Is there a simple thing I am missing or it is just a pain in the butt to do this? Thanks.