I have a Panasonic BL-C131a IP camera, which is now working well with LinuxMCE and the motion wrapper. This camera, and many others, has a feature to 'Send Notification When Triggered', which can be sent via email or HTTP (some Axis cameras have TCP notifications). This particular camera has on-board motion and thermal sensing capabilities, and allows you to send different notifications for different 'triggers'.
I am very interested in interfacing this camera with LinuxMCE using HTTP notifications, which would reduce the load and power consumption on the core (not to mention the network!). Basically the IPCam could hit a particular URL on the core when it detects motion or thermal events, passing the type of event to LMCE in a parameter, which instructs the core to record from the camera for a designated amount of time. This should also eliminate false positives in the security system when someone is PTZing the camera directly. It also eliminates the complexities of using the motion wrapper, and could allow lower spec cores to monitor many intelligent IP cameras.
While I am able program, I'm by no means a software engineer
As I'm also new to LinuxMCE, naturally I have a few questions before I attempt this feat:
-Are there already facilities in LMCE to receive HTTP notifications, and turn them into MessageSend commands to the DCERouter?
-If not, what is the cleanest way to approach implementing this (without hacking something together)?
-Would anyone else be interested in using this feature?
-Is anyone willing to help out with development?