I created a script that will allow you to batch assign cover art and attributes to files. In order to use the script follow these steps:
1. Copy the script to the /var/www directory on the core machine.
2. Go to pluto-admin and edit the media attributes for one file out of the group of files that you want to assign cover art for. Remember which file you assigned cover art to.
3. Type in in your web browser.
4. Enter your user name and password that has access to the database.
5. Search for the group of files by either typing in a file name or the name of the folder that contains the files.
6. Click the radio button next to the file that you assigned cover art for in step 2.
7. Click the checkbox next to any files that you want to have the same cover art and attributes as the file in step 2.
8. Click the "Add Attributes to selected file" button.
9. Now all of those files should have cover art and attributes associated with them.
This is a rough copy of the script, but it works. I will improve on it and make it more efficient. Maybe once it is optimized it can be added to the pluto-admin website. The script is attached.