It was available for a long time, but I just realized (when talking to Bulek) that probably nobody knows about it/uses it
It is usually installed on any LinuxMCE/Pluto system and basically it is just a combo of grep+tail. It is very convenient to use to track which Messages/Events are passing through the DCERouter @core - all this stuff is logged into /var/pluto/DCERouter.log but usually there is a lot of other information and it is harder to follow that log. So..
1) start the TailDCERouter.sh from the console (it is installed to /usr/bin so you don't need to enter full path for it)
2) do whatever you want with LinuxMCE - e.g., start playing a movie
3) watch the messages/events passing through the system (for media playback this will be a sequence of messages like Command MH_Play_Media to MediaPlugin, then Command Play_Media to Xine_Player, and then Event Playback_Started from Xine_Player)
Hope this info will be useful for you