First, let me say thanks to Dan for the hard work with the insteon driver.
My biggest issue with insteon is that as far as I can see there are only light an appliance controls. Where are the motion sensors, entry control (i.e. door locks) and thermostats? If there was an up to date Z-wave controller supported I wouldn’t mind spending the money to get the devices that I want to control my house. So right now it looks like Z-wave has the most end device controllers but least support in LMCE and insteon has up to date support but lacking in end devices unless you are ok with the slower and less reliable X10 devices.
Looks to me like from a home automation stand point we are stuck between a rock and a hard place.
Is there a happy middle ground, what should someone do for an LMCE setup today? Does one invest in an old z-wave controller (if it can be found for a better price then on and more expensive/better (do you truly get what you pay for?), end device controls or wait for a new z-wave controller to be supported or start using insteon and wait to get more end device controls?
Better yet, could someone invest in both z-wave and insteon controllers and use X10, insteon and z-wave all controlled by the same LMCE core? That seems like the most flexible solution right now if you want full home automation but it may be a bit more expensive.