I was able to fix the problem. It turns out I had a timeout value to high within the conn_.Recv command. Lower the timeout fixes the problem. Fires almost immediately.
I have a few loose ends to tie up and I will be posting the Ruby code and a PNP script for LG LCD TV's
Thanks ddamron for the link, it is what pointed me to the timeout value.
I have one question, I hope someone can answer. the LG returns the following string:
kf 01 f\r\ne 00 OK0fx\r\n
but when I log the string it puts in the line breaks, I was able to fix the problem by using Regexp.escape, but this returns a string which I am able to log on one line, but the format is off slightly.
kf\ 01\ f\r\nf\ 00\ OK0fx\r\n
\ in front of spaces. Obviously this is purely comestic, but I have been searching for a solution. I hate not being able to figure something out.