Hi, I'm new around here, but I'm impressed with your system and capabilities.
I'm investigating the possibility of doing some business in this area and would like to build my own system to get a feel for it, which makes your open sourced software very appealing. I'll probably just start out with a multipurpose core for a single room A/V, but whole house lighting, to start since I've got some X-10 going.
I know you've addressed some general hardware requirements;
My question is: Do you have a recommended hardware list? I know you could break this list down into A/V, lighting and any number of devices controlled by the core system, but I'm more interested in the core (Core, Media Director) PC components at the moment.
Like what sound cards, video/TV cards work best. I'm sure you have some ideas. What, in you experience works best, and what should we stay away from? (ATI, nVidia, SoundBlaster et al.)
If I want to have a 100 hour PVR what size disk? (Sure a terabyte disk rack would be ideal but that'll come later.) Who makes the most reliable HD for your application in your experience. And, eIDE or SATA?
Motherboards and chipsets?
100mb/s or gb/s networking? I'd probably go with gigbit networking myself, but are affordable drivers & routers available? Is 100mb/s more than sufficient?
I realize that getting specific with manufacturers might be problematic (or not) but any help you can provide would be greatly appeciated.
Thanks, JB