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Dual Simultaneous Use Media Directors / Workstations ...

Started by giosico, December 18, 2007, 08:39:57 AM

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I would like to use my bedroom pc as a media director at the same time.  I searched for an answer to my question but found nothing.

Is this possible?

Say running kubuntu and media director as an application.  I have read in the documentation something about install media director software but its unclear what that means as it conflicts with net boot media director information.  Can I run a media director as a virtual machine? etc

Any help would be appreciated.

Will LMCE work if I start with a gnome ubuntu and then add the kde environment or do I need to install kubuntu from scratch?  Thank you.


I'd recommend to simply allow the MD to PCE boot...
saves you a TON of headaches with dependancies, AND
you can always click KDE Desktop in the advanced menu...and viola, there's your KDE.

As long as you're not using a Fiire Station... we learned the hard way that they don't actually boot into KDE, so they have to reboot...

but, the Fiire Engine, and any other core/hybrid (or MD preferrably with nvidia GPU) does load KDE, and the MD runs in screen 5 (I think)


The only intuitive interface is the nipple.  After that it's all learned.
My other computer is your windows box.
I'm out of my mind.  Back in 5 minutes.
Q:  What's Red and smells like blue paint?

A:  Red Paint.


Thanks Dan.

It helps but it brings up more questions :)

- Is PCE Boot the same as net boot? I search but couldnt find the answer.

- So clicking advance KDE Desktop ... is the full desktop ... running off the local hard drive, apps etc?

- What do you mean by screen 5

Thank for your help.


OOps, typo there..
PXE boot, and yes, same as network boot..

Clicking KDE Desktop will give you a full KDE desktop.. Bear in mind, the system booted via lan, so you'll have to mount your HD locally unless the system recognises it and does that for you... :)

(apps can be installed to hard drive l8r..)
KDE has desktops in the bottom right of your screen.  When you start KDE, you'll see what I mean...
to get back to the MD, simply click the 5th icon, the one with the big X in it... LOL


The only intuitive interface is the nipple.  After that it's all learned.
My other computer is your windows box.
I'm out of my mind.  Back in 5 minutes.
Q:  What's Red and smells like blue paint?

A:  Red Paint.


or you can select Activate Orbiter from the LMCE Launch Manager.



Quote from: giosico on December 18, 2007, 08:39:57 AM
I would like to use my bedroom pc as a media director at the same time.  I searched for an answer to my question but found nothing.

Is this possible?

Say running kubuntu and media director as an application.  I have read in the documentation something about install media director software but its unclear what that means as it conflicts with net boot media director information.  Can I run a media director as a virtual machine? etc

Any help would be appreciated.

Will LMCE work if I start with a gnome ubuntu and then add the kde environment or do I need to install kubuntu from scratch?  Thank you.

Hi John,

As already suggested the best and easiest option is to PXE (ie Network boot) you bedroom PC from your Core. The will give access to the LinuxMCE UI and if you need it access to the full KDE desktop with all the features you'd get if you booted from a local HD.

You may need to upgrade your Bedroom PC in some areas eg you might need an upgraded video card etc. But thats almost certainly about it in most cases.

As we've been discussing your requirements for a Core on email drop me an email with the spec of your bedroom PC and we can work out if it needs anything upgraded.


Andy Herron,

For Dianemo/LinuxMCE consulting advice;
@herron on Twitter, via email or PM me here.

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