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Started by Bosnoff, August 24, 2007, 12:21:04 AM

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I set up my LinuxMCE system a few days ago to test it out, and have finally gotten around to putting it in my media center rack. After discovering that there was not enough room to just add my system I realized that I could remove my old DVD player since my new system has a DVD burner in it. Normally this would not be a problem except for the fact that this DVD player has a built in TVGuardian ability that LinuxMCE does not. But all hope is not lost because my VCR also has the TVGuardian feature. I would like to know if LinuxMCE outputs close captions or not, and if the signal would still be detected if it was converted from S-video to composite cable in order to be routed through the VCR?
I would also like to know if there is an add on program that could do the job of a TVGuardian before it even leaves the system in order to simplify the process of makeing a family friendly media center.

PS. Thanks to all of the developers for making it possible for Linux novices to install and set up this system :)


I decided to take the plunge and rearrange my equipment to test the TVGuardian setup, here are my results. Sadly I was not able to get the word filtering power of TVGuardian to work with my LinuxMCE system. The video player does not output its CC (closed caption) in a standard format. When captions are displayed they are put over the existing image of the move before the signal is ever sent from the machine, as result the TVGuardian is not able to see and filter out any language.

Solutions: (Hypothetical, not tested)
1. Have an option that sends the CC signal as a standard signal so that other devices could use this information.
2. Make a program that does the work of TVGuardian before it ever leaves the system. I don't think that this should be too hard because it should only have to monitor the words and replace key words or phrases with another word. (I know nothing about programing, so this could be more difficult than I think)

If anyone can think of something that may work, post it so that I can try it out.