First Method: (web admin)
1.From another PC, that's in the same network with your LMCE PC, or from LCME PC go to Ubuntu desktop (CTRL+ALT+F7) open a Internet Browser.
http://dcerouter or http://<the_lmce_pc_ip_address> and press enter
3.Login with the user name and password that you've created in the : "VIdeo WIzard -> house Setup" or if you haven't created one yet just press "Create New User" and be sure to check "Master User (can modify configuration)?" After you've created the user login with it!
4.Go to "Wizard -> Devices -> Media Directors"
5.Press "Resolution & Refresh" button for the "The core/hybrid" Device
6.Select a resolution and refresh that your monitor supports. Check "Force Resolution" and press "Test Resolution and Refresh".
7.Go to LMCE Screen ( CTRL+ALT+F11). Now you should see if the new resolution it's working for you! If it's working go to Step8 else go back to Step6 and select an other resolution.
7.After you've done this, be sure that "quick reload router & regenerate the UI at this resolution now?" it's checked and press the "Yes" button.
Second Method: (re-run the A/V Wizard)
1.Open a Console (CTRL+ALT+F2)
2.Login with your user and password. Go root: by typing at the console: sudo su - and entering your password when asked.
3.Run the A/V Wizard again by typing at the console: /usr/pluto/bin/ and this time select a lower resolution.
4.To be sure that everything it's working ok reboot the PC after you've finished the A/V Wizard!
Third Method: ( modify the X config file)
1.Open a Console (CTRL+ALT+F2)
2.Login with your user and password. Go root: by typing at the console: sudo su - and entering your password when asked.
3.Copy the X config file for Ubuntu over the LMCE X config file by typing at the console:
cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.pluto
4.Go back to LMCE Screen by pressing: CTRL+ALT+F11
5.Restart the X server by pressing: CTRL+ALT+BACKSPACE