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Monitor says "Mode Not Supported" after linuxmce install

Started by skootles, June 06, 2007, 03:02:05 PM

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I got everything installed correctly on Ubuntu 6.10 (using LinuxMCE 1.0), and when I restarted, my monitor just went blank and gave me this:

Mode Not Supported
H: 74.6KHZ
V: 59.7HZ

Any idea how to fix this?


Read the F****** Logs!!!


How do I do that, specifically, from the command line? *ubuntu noob*


use the web admin. connect from oter computer and type the ip address of the computer with linuxmce.
Read the F****** Logs!!!


First Method: (web admin)

1.From another PC, that's in the same network with your LMCE PC, or from LCME PC go to Ubuntu desktop (CTRL+ALT+F7) open a Internet Browser.
2.Type http://dcerouter or http://<the_lmce_pc_ip_address> and press enter
3.Login with the user name and password that you've created in the : "VIdeo WIzard -> house Setup" or if you haven't created one yet just press "Create New User" and be sure to check "Master User (can modify configuration)?" After you've created the user login with it!
4.Go to "Wizard -> Devices -> Media Directors"
5.Press "Resolution & Refresh" button for the "The core/hybrid" Device
6.Select a resolution and refresh that your monitor supports. Check "Force Resolution" and press "Test Resolution and Refresh".
7.Go to LMCE Screen ( CTRL+ALT+F11). Now you should see if the new resolution it's working for you! If it's working go to Step8 else go back to Step6 and select an other resolution.
7.After you've done this, be sure that "quick reload router & regenerate the UI at this resolution now?" it's checked and press the "Yes" button.

Second Method: (re-run the A/V Wizard)

1.Open a Console (CTRL+ALT+F2)
2.Login with your user and password. Go root: by typing at the console: sudo su - and entering your password when asked.
3.Run the A/V Wizard again by typing at the console:  /usr/pluto/bin/ and this time select a lower resolution.
4.To be sure that everything it's working ok reboot the PC after you've finished the A/V Wizard!

Third Method: ( modify the X config file)

1.Open a Console (CTRL+ALT+F2)
2.Login with your user and password. Go root: by typing at the console: sudo su - and entering your password when asked.
3.Copy the X config file for Ubuntu over the LMCE X config file by typing at the console:
   cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.pluto
4.Go back to LMCE Screen by pressing: CTRL+ALT+F11
5.Restart the X server by pressing: CTRL+ALT+BACKSPACE


Okay, so, I believe I have everything partially working. On my LinuxMCE box, I have two network cards - one connects me to my router which connects me to the internet, and the other connects me to a switch, where I have another pc that I will be using to stream the media to my TV. Now, I used the second PC and did a network boot. Everything loaded until I got a yellow notice that says "We announced ourselves to the router. Use a Orbiter to continue".

Also, when I enter the web admin, under Devices > Media Directors, there is nothing listed.

jerry finn

This means that you'll need an orbiter(user interface). If you have selected the hybrid installation(core with media player), a message should appear on the hybrid screen saying that a new md was detected and you can either add it or ignore it.
If you chose the core installation, you'll need to make a new orbiter on an xp machine that connects to the core. You can do that from the web admin, before you log in, you have something like "Download Orbiter, Utilities and other software". From that list select the orbiter for "Intel/AMD x86 (normal)".

The core/hybrid installation refers to the installation type of the first machine, not the md.


Damn. The only pc I have hooked up to the internal network is one without an OS. That mean I have to install XP on it in order to be able to use this?


The easiest (though probably least fun) way to do it is to reinstall LinuxMCE and choose the hybrid installation.  That way, it will run the orbiter and let you acknowledge the messages for detecting a new device, etc.  In fact, I can't think of a good reason not to install LMCE as a hybrid.  That way, you'll get a message on your LMCE orbiter telling you that a new PC has been detected and giving you the option of configuring it as an MD.  From there, it's a matter of just waiting (for about 15-20 minutes) for the LMCE PC to generate an O/S image for your new MD.


From your CORE LMCE PC launch Web Admin
Login with your LMCE user and password.

Method 1:  create a Web Orbiter
1. Go to Advanced -> Configuration -> Devices
2. Press "Add a top Level Device" . A a description like "Web Orbiter"
3.Press "Pick Device Template" . An Pop-Up Windows will appear.
4.Select from the Device Template drop-down the "Generic Web Device" and press "Pick Device Template"
5.After the new Device is created, expand it by pressing the "+" sign and click on the "Generic Proxy Orbiter"
6.Select the room for this orbiter, generally the Core room will be a good choice, then press SAVE
7.Do a "Quick Router Reload" from WIzard -> Restart
8.Type in the address bar of the Browser : http://dcerouter/pluto-admin/weborbiter.php
9.Login and then restart your diskless MD.
If you try to connect to the Web Orbiter and see this message : "Connect to proxy orbiter failed, please try again" this means that the procedure of Orbiter generation doesn't finish yet or you forgot to quick reload of router.
( for more information please check this page: )
10.When on the disless MD Screen will appear the message "We announce ourself to the....." you'll get the message on your Web Orbiter that a new MD is detected. Select General PC as MD and assign it a room.