I know that there are currently some efforts for VDR functionality.... I'm looking forward to that, but will probably take some time to do it properly with support of all HW, that mythtv is supporting now.... Also, if I understood right, there will be both options for some time active....
Now that we have Remote & Lirc support, there are some Mythtv addons that could be interesting to use, and will quickly enhance Pluto functionlity, particularly those that are yet not implemented under Pluto :
- Mythgallery (photo album viewer app)
- MythPhone (video phone that is reported to work with Asterisk also)
- Mythweb (great web interface to TV guide, recording schedules, etc...)
quite useful to schedule recordings, ....
- MythWeather (it will show you nice weather forecast on screen)
- MythNews (for reading RSS news all around the world on MD)
- MythBrowser (Internet browser for IR remote on MD)
Majority of plugins can be run as standalone applications (Mythphone could be started directly from Orbiter gui's Phone entry) - at least that was possible some time ago...
I've tried to install plugins by themselves and there are minor problems with them, cause Pluto uses slightly different ownership settings and user/group for web browser. But I guess they could be maintained with little effort. I'd particularly like to see Mythphone under Pluto cause we have everything else prepared (Asterisk, Lirc ...).
I'm looking forward to any opinions .....