Having had a gentoo box setup running myth for 8 months, I thought I'd try mce.
I have a 1.2Ghz / 512MB / Geforce 5200 server-box, with SVideo out and a DVB-usb stick. (I'm in the UK).
Initially I set up the twinview in clone mode, at 1024x768. That worked ok.
However, when running MythTV on the onscreen orbiter, the picture was jerky (it wasn't like this on the old install), also the fancy 3d channel switcher menu on the menu button took far too long to load, and behaved slowly and unresponsively when it did.
I switched the MythTV painter to OpenGL (from Qt), and that more or less solved the jerky-tv issue (although it is still noticeably worse than before), but the menu takes ages to come up (if it comes up at all).
If there isn't a more usable way to do this, then I'm going to have to abandon MCE. My non-techy housemates won't tolerate such a cut in performance...
Anythng I can do to make it more usable?