As part of my revived LMCE build, I am planning to get a new television. The wiki seems somewhat outdated on this point, with most of the information on the user pages describing use with 710, 810, and 1004. LCD technology has come a long way in the past few years, and is now the technology used in virtual all high-end home theater sets. Plasma displays are no longer being produced. I don't mind getting a used set, but would like to get one that is as new as possible while still ensuring integration with LMCE. I am hoping to collect information from more recent builds in this thread.
Doing some research, RS-232 is not offered on newer sets, though all have ethernet ports and CEC support. Either would suffice and I expect would work fine with my Denon receiver. On ethernet, however, I have read that Samsung no longer publishes the commands and protocol for external control through the network port ( .) Recent advice from users on what is working would be great.
If you see this thread, please respond briefly with the following for your LMCE TV:
Model Number:
Control Interface: (RS-232, IP, CEC)
LMCE Device Number:
Comments: (ease of integration, picture quality, satisfaction, etc.)