David Hunt Benchmarks the Rpi2 against; Rpi1 B+, Beaglebone Black, Intel Edison, Imagination MIPS Creator C120;
http://www.davidhunt.ie/raspberry-pi-2-benchmarked/Interestingly the Intel Atom based Edison is not that far ahead of the Rpi2 in performance terms on any of the benchmarks but is at least 3x more expensive because of the requirement to add a Baseboard to the main Edison board, and of course it has no community/eco system at all.
Raspberry Pi Foundation have announced that they had shipped around 4.5million Rpi's just prior to announcing the Raspberry Pi2 in late Jan and have since announced that they are manufacturing (& selling) 20,000 Rpi2's a day currently which means that by April they will certainly have shipped over 6 million Rpi's.
All the best