Been i while since i used my MediaTomb, and it no longer shows on my network.
Tried to to restart it,
sudo /etc/init.d/mediatomb restart
* Restarting upnp media server mediatomb [ OK ]
But log shows an error:
2012-11-12 11:15:24 INFO: Loading configuration from: /etc/mediatomb/config.xml
2012-11-12 11:15:24 INFO: Checking configuration...
2012-11-12 11:15:24 INFO: Setting filesystem import charset to UTF-8
2012-11-12 11:15:24 INFO: Setting metadata import charset to UTF-8
2012-11-12 11:15:24 INFO: Setting playlist charset to UTF-8
2012-11-12 11:15:24 INFO: Configuration check succeeded.
2012-11-12 11:15:24 ERROR: Mysql: mysql_real_query() failed: mysql_error (144): "Table './pluto_mediatomb/mt_cds_object' is marked as crashed and last (automatic?) repair failed"; query: SELECT MAX(`id`) FROM `m$
Webadm page for MediaTomb localhost port 49153(as stated in my config) gives a 505: internal server error.
Any pointers much appreciated