Hi all!
I recently discovered that my Technisat CableStar HD2 DVB-C PCI tuner, which has some GNU/Linux support, does not offer the required FLReset capability that is needed for libvirt to passthrough the device to a virtual guest (KVM/libvirt on OpenSUSE 12). I am currently in contact with TechniSat to see if they have any firmware updates. In the meantime, I'm looking for other options. Maybe you can help?
If you are using a DVB-C tuner, you can find this information by running:
# sudo lspci -vv
in terminal, locate the right device and check out the DevCap features. A FLReset- is a nogo, and FLReset+ is what I need.
If anyone is using a DVB-C tuner, could you run this check for me, so that I don't have to buy more stuff I can't use:)
I will eventually move LMCE over to a dedicated, more eco-friendly machine, where the card will work natively, but at the time being I want to test it out virtually. I prefer PCI cards, but PCIe and USB cards with Linux support is OK.
Thanks guys!