Hi all
I've recently started to use LinuxMCE and Z-wave products. Yesterday I set up the Fibaro switch and it is working fine. As there are two channels I had to manually had a child in order to control both switches. Now I find that I'm receiving state updates from the child (which has been given channel 13/2) every 30 seconds or so but not from the the default device (channel 13)
dcerouter_1024147:~# tail -10f /var/log/pluto/DCERouter.log
07 12/25/11 13:31:28.993 Parameter 66(State): 255 <0x7b203b90>
07 12/25/11 13:32:03.008 Event #81 has no handlers <0x7b203b90>
07 12/25/11 13:32:03.008 Received Message from 56 (Garden Left Light Switch / Garden) to -1001 (unknown / ), type 2 id 81 Event:State Changed, retry none, parameters: <0x7b203b90>
07 12/25/11 13:32:03.009 Parameter 66(State): 255 <0x7b203b90>
07 12/25/11 13:32:34.131 Event #81 has no handlers <0x7b203b90>
07 12/25/11 13:32:34.132 Received Message from 56 (Garden Left Light Switch / Garden) to -1001 (unknown / ), type 2 id 81 Event:State Changed, retry none, parameters: <0x7b203b90>
07 12/25/11 13:32:34.132 Parameter 66(State): 255 <0x7b203b90>
07 12/25/11 13:33:08.049 Event #81 has no handlers <0x7b203b90>
07 12/25/11 13:33:08.049 Received Message from 56 (Garden Left Light Switch / Garden) to -1001 (unknown / ), type 2 id 81 Event:State Changed, retry none, parameters: <0x7b203b90>
07 12/25/11 13:33:08.049 Parameter 66(State): 255 <0x7b203b90>
I have a few questions if I may
Is it normal to have a 30 seconds state update? I'm a bit worried the switch will end up working too hard or having radio waves being sent all over my house if I decide to add more of these devices.
Is it the device that is sending the updates or is the update requested by other device (LinuxMCE maybe)? How can I tell? I can't see any updates being received when using the Trial version of HomeSeer, then this might not mean anything?
Is there any way to turn this off?
Many thanks and apologies if any of my questions sound silly. I'm pretty new to this.