NOTE: I've actually managed to get my MD to boot and the diskless image to be created. However, I want to reply to the questions in this thread before leaving it and starting a new one (I have new problems....whooooopeeee!).
Are you able to have other devices on your internal network receive ( DHCP addresses and connect to the core? If yes, then your cores NIC seems to work okay.
Couldn't before installing the r8168 driver. Now I can.
If you can connect to the core, check if dcerouter is running on the core,
ps ax|grep DCERouter.log|grep -v grep
Not running. I assume I can manually start it - I will research.
and have a look in /home/coredump/1 dir if there are any coredumps in there.
I have three core dumps from a few days ago. Should I inspect them?