Rule #1 - Be Patient - Rule #2 - Don't ask when, if you don't contribute - Rule #3 - You have coding skills - LinuxMCE's small brother is available:
I didn't have any values in the Volume Up / Volume Down Ruby Codes boxes #90 and #89 fields...I also seem to be missing the following from your Template. #350#313Do you know why that would be?
My sound volume is all jacked up there a way to revert to the old template? I see how to do it through sqlcvs, but I'm not sure which tables to revert, or should I wait until 810?Thanks,UNiIt's fixed now...I was able to roll it back.
I've been asked to post my Denon AVR Series Template. Here's how to use it.Manually replicate the AVC-A1SRA (RS232) device template, with the following exceptions: * In the 'Edit IR Codes' window set 'Delays' for 'Power', 'Mode', and 'Other' to zero. * Fill in the ruby rectangles according to the file that I've attached.Hope this helps someone. The template addresses the following issues with the AVC-A1SRA (RS232) template: 1. Sets a reasonable volume level when power is shut off. This avoids loud initial volume after starting up. The ideal way to accomplish this is by using 'Respond to Events'. However, the router sends the volume set command before the power on command, so if the receiver is off when you start to play media, a set volume command sent in response to a Play Media event is ignored. 2. Delay after Power On Command (see my previous post) 3. Audio is Interrupted Whenever an Inputs String is Sent to the Receiver (see my previous post)Thom has an independently developed improved template that will be included in 0810. Hopefully it will address the same issues so the Denons will work great right out of the box.Alex
Does anyone know if this (or something similar) made it into 0810? I still get the same audio cut out issues with the 0810 Beta...Cheers,WR.