I get problems to setup a webcam on a diskless MediaDirector using motion wrapper.
The webcam is working ok (it saves the snapshots into the correct folder) but MotionWrapper can't write a /home/cameras/XXX/lastsnap.jpg (it should be a link) to the new snapshot.
When I try to use the camera selecting it (any method from UI or Web-UI) the MotionWrapper logs displays this:
Missing snapshot file: /home/cameras/106/lastsnap.jpg.
That's is because the file is missing.
It's not a camera issue, the webcam was working at the core (hybrid) but is not working on the MD.
When I setting up this I followed the instructions of the wiki.
I add a template into MD tree using create a child device (for motionwrapper) and inside it I create a new generic web cam.Webcam is working but I can't visualize the video, because MD can't write a link /home/cameras/106/lastsnap.jpg.
Is this a know issue ?
Is there a way to use a webcam as security cam but connect it to an MD?? ?
Thanks in advance