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Mobile Phone

Started by maverick0815, May 25, 2010, 07:48:46 PM

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The latest update seems to have woken up my bluetooth on the core. Suddenly it detected 100+ bluetooth-devices around my place...quite scary and tedious :-)
on the other hand, it seems that I cannot connect my phone properly (htc hd2). At this point I am not sure if I typed the encryption key correctly, because I can't pair my phone with the core. I wanted to try the java orbiter...windowsce would just screw up the phone.
I  deleted the orbiter and tried anew..but I still cannot pair the two of them. Is there a way to delete they pin for the phone from the orbiter? Perhaps in my eagerness I typed something different from what I remember.


From where did you get the advice to pair the phone? ???  As far as I know, this is NOT needed!

When LMCE detects your phone, it will prompt you for phone type, select "Generic Java Phone" and the Java orbiter will be sent to the phone. Accept the incoming file, and save it. Start the orbiter and it should connect to LMCE.
Your phones bluetooth needs to be enabled and visible, of course.

best regards,


hmm... thats interesting...if pairing is not required, then why was there a dialogue from lmce asking me to put a pin for my cellphone?


hmm, I've never seen that PIN dialogue...
Anyway, if it keeps asking for PIN each time, you should try to delete any known devices from your phone. If your computer is listed, it may be that your phone keeps a bad pairing status.



there are no devices on my phone. the problem is rather on the server side. I put the pin first on the server, but my cell won't  accept it, so I am looking for a way to reset the pin. there a way of stopping or halting the discovery of bluetooth-devices? I don't know about you guys...I don't live in a very populated place, but its not a village either..right now I have about a 150 bluetooth-devices found and there doesn't seem to be an end to it...everytime someone with a cellphone walks by, I get asked if I want to use it. I don't want to think about a time, when I would have to reinstall linuxmce and have to go through a similar number of questions again....watching a movie or TV gets a bit difficult right now


thanks, that takes care of the I need to find a solution for the other problem