Elk's M1 controller (
http://www.elkproducts.com/products/m1/M1_Control_Family.htm) supports Insteon by way of its serial expander+smarthome interface. It also support X10, UPB, Z-Wave, Centralite, Creston and several other devices. Actually, it is a full blow U/L approved alarm system plus programable logic controller. So it has several digital I/O and analog inputs. Also has phone control.
The M1 has a very simple Rs232 serial interface protocol. So once I get Pluto installed (not success yet), I'll investigate on how to use the DCE wizard to control my M1.
I already have the M1 doing low level control of my home, but Pluto opens the possibilites a lot more. I think that they make an excellent combination since the M1 could be used as the gateway from the virtual/software world to the real/hardware devices.
The best place to ask questions about the M1 is Cocoontech