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Media Scenarios, problems with rs232 commands to receiver

Started by Eypone, April 18, 2010, 08:05:35 PM

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Hey I having some issues with rs232 commands and Media Scenarios.

Audio Media Scenario:
What im trying to achiv, power on my receiver, setup receiver to stereo, sho file list.
What happens:
Power on my receiver and MH Play Media, but now Stereo

Tv Media Scenario:
What im trying to achiv, power on my receiver, setup receiver to Neural THX, MH Play Media.
What happens:
Power on my receiver and MH Play Media, but now Neural THX

All my rs232 commands ar working, i have tried to send them to the receiver thrug the linuxmce admin page.

What i think happens is the receiver is getting the Stereo or Neural THX command to fast after power comman to the resiver.

Is ther away to insert a break like 2 second befor sending the Stereo or Neural THX command ?
exsample: Power on receiver, whait to seconds, Stereo , Show file list.


I am assuming you are using ruby as its an rs232 receiver.
put a loop into the code after power on or before changing inputs.
Otherwise check if there is a wait/timer command in ruby.



Please keep in mind gentlemen, that there ARE delay values that you can set for:

* after power on
* after changing inputs

These can be found at the very top of the screen when you are entering ruby codes.



sorry for being a noob.
The * after power on * after changing inputs , where shuld I edit them ?

In this file or in Edit ruby codes.
