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How to use a remote VDR system

Started by lehacharly, January 29, 2010, 11:35:18 AM

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I am pretty new to linux MCE. I already have a VDR server with 3 DVB-S2 cards running and this server should exist beside the linux MCE server. As far as I have seen linuxMCE uses the xine plugin to connect to the local VDR. So I think it should be no problem to connect to another VDR server and not to the local hosted VDR. I searched in the config files where I could change the ip address for vdr but I didn't find anything.

So I hope that someone can give me a kick in the right direction, where to change the IP of the VDR which xine is connecting to.

Thanks in advance.



On your core look under /var/lib/vdr
All config is in setup.conf.

To get it running on a MD you can look under /usr/pluto/diskless/<MD>/var/lib/vdr
Look for setup.conf (this is the config for clients/MDs)

One thing I´m not 100% sure of is how to get epg info into lmce´s UI.
Don´t know if our vdr plugin is hardcoded to use vdr instance on core.

Try and see for yourself if you get it working.
Atm we use vdr 1.7.11 which get automatically installed on core.



Thanks for the hint, but I already searched this locations but I didn't find anything useful.

I found something in log files that looks pretty good to find the right thing to change.


1       01/29/10 18:14:32 33 (spawning-device)    19907 Dev: 33; Already Running list: 15,16,18,19,29,30,21,
1       01/29/10 18:14:32 33 (spawning-device)    device: 33 ip: cmd_line: VDR
3       01/29/10 18:14:32 33 (spawning-device)    Can't execute VDR

and for the md /usr/pluto/diskless/34/var/log/pluto/42_VDR.log:

1       01/29/10 18:51:38 42 (spawning-device)    9986 Dev: 42; Already Running list: 35,36,38,43,39,
1       01/29/10 18:51:39 42 (spawning-device)    device: 42 ip: cmd_line: VDR
3       01/29/10 18:51:39 42 (spawning-device)    Can't execute VDR

Of course, the "Can't execute VDR" doesn't look that nice but you can see that the ip for the core is localhost and the ip for the md ist the ip of the core ( My guess is that I have to change the ip for all cases to (my VDR server). But i have no idea where this comes from...

On my server runs version 1.7.7 of vdr. The change to the ts format was before this version, so I don't think this would be a problem.