Every few days, most of my media seems to drop out of the database. This seems to mostly affect video files, pictures and games, but apparently not the music files as they have yet to disappear.
I can browse right to the missing media from the kde desktop and it is there if I check it through the admin website or just over the network. If I re-sync the media through the website, it all shows up fine again. At least for a few days.
OR if I leave it alone, then several hours later, most or all of it will all usually come back.
This seems to have started after I elected to install mame from the admin website. At least it did not have an episode before then, and the machine had been running for two weeks or so on this install prior to that.
Shortly after the mame install it told me that it had detected a new internal HDD and asked me what I wanted to do with it. Now I had not installed a new HDD, but due to me having to reinstall pretty regularly with my experimenting and all, I have my media saved to another partition on the same physical disk. In any case I told LMCE that I wanted to use it and to make all of the media public. Then all of this craziness started.
In the past I have had issues when using an external HDD of the drive constantly mounting and dismounting and I am wondering if perhaps this may be the source of the issue. Maybe it dismounts it and the media drops out, then remounts it and I happen to look for a movie prior to it putting it back in the db. Is that even plausible? Seems like a stretch. Especially since the music files are on the same partition and seem to always be present. Should I mount the partition to the home folder during the install, or would that run the risk of corrupting the system as would an external drive?