I updated two days ago, and then yesterday as well. It appears that the updates did not modify the modules.conf file.
I try to update every few weeks, so I am positive that the system was updated several times between this update and the time that I figured out how to fix it.
I have been searching the this forum and many other forums, never thought to search trac.
If it matters, I have had this issue for a long time, but life had just got in the way of trying to fix it. I am glad to hear that it is fixed.
Would the modules.conf file get modified on a regular update?
I moved the modules.conf to modules.conf.working and tried to see if the corrected modules.conf would get recreated on a reinstall, but
reinstalled asterisk and pluto-asterisk and modules.conf was not recreated. I am not sure if I am doing it correctly.
but when I reinstalled asterisk it appears to be pulling from:
http://us.archive.ubuntu.com intrepid-updates/universe asterisk 1: [2456kB]
which looks like the wrong place to capture the changes.
What should the /etc/apt/sources.list look like?
I am using this post as a resource, please let me know if this is incorrect.
http://forum.linuxmce.org/index.php?topic=10262.0I apologize if these questions already answered, but I will try to get any information that is needed.