Hi Schmich
I have the HVR 3000 and if I am not mistaken this is sort of the same card..
Now if you say you have your dev/dvb/adapter0 folder have a look under it and see is there is like 8 files.. like frontend0 and frontend1
now with mine, Myth is not really working with the Tri -cards.. so what I needed to do is after I saw the frontend0 and 1 and others devices, is do the following..
1)you need to create another adapter. so do the following in /dev/dvb "sudo mkdir adapter1" then create simbol links.
" mkdir /dev/dvb/adapter1
" ln /dev/dvb/adapter0/demux1 /dev/dvb/adapter1/demux0
" ln /dev/dvb/adapter0/fronted1 /dev/dvb/adapter1/frontend0
" ln /dev/dvb/adapter0/net1 /dev/dvb/adapter1/net0
" ln /dev/dvb/adapter0/dvr1 /dev/dvb/adapter1/dvr0
2) After this you should be able to see the device in Mythtv 2 DVB devices. select 1 not 0 cause 0 is DVB-S. Test Myth and see if you can get something..
3) Now to make this perminant we need to create a file in /etc/init.d/ call it what you want.
4) then copy point 2 in to it and cave it..
5) Now we need to make it a executable with "chmod +x {FileName}"
6) Now w need to tell rc to run the script when booting, use this "update-rc.d {filename} defaults"
Now Myth does not pay HD channels, but I saw here that the guys sort of got it working in the UK so you may be in luck
http://forum.linuxmce.org/index.php?topic=8455.0Hope this helps you
Ps: I got this working on Mythbuntu 9.04 and on lmce you can have alook
http://www.it1stop.com/Home/linux/mythbuntu---linuxmce/mythbuntu-9-04 if it helps..