Ever since the last alpha release, I have been having problems with DCERouter going nuts and using up all the cpu. This is usage in excess of 180% as reported by top, with loadavg's greater than 60. No functionality seems to be missing and there are no other adverse effects to the system (other than obvious problems playing media with no cpu time available) so I dont really know where to look.
The log shows this:
01 06/22/09 8:29:59.106 MythBackEnd_Socket::SendMythString sent QUERY_GETALLPENDING but timeout getting response containing <0x98cfeb90>
01 06/22/09 8:29:59.107 MythTV_PlugIn::UpdateUpcomingRecordings no recordings <0x98cfeb90>
01 06/22/09 8:30:21.069 MythBackEnd_Socket::SendMythString sent QUERY_GETALLPENDING but timeout getting response containing <0x98cfeb90>
05 06/22/09 8:30:21.069 MythBackEnd_Socket::SendMythString failed -- reconnected <0x98cfeb90>
repeating over and over every 30 seconds or so. No errors in mythtv logs. And mythtv still works as it should while this is goiong on (again, other than severe stuttering).
Any ideas?