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TV RS232 to..

Started by geekyhawkes, May 20, 2009, 10:43:45 PM

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Right guys, after some digging on the internet i have managed to find the rs232 protocols for my Dell 37In LCD.  I have attached the page from the spec document, but am unsure how to get this information into MCE in a usable fashion. 

Can anyone help please?



Did you see these?  This might start things ...

... and here's an example of an LG TV from the wiki...

I'm not sure if they are what you are looking for.

There used to be another document on a Sharp TV out there but it's empty now.

Good Luck - sorry I couldn't be any more help.


Thanks for the post, i had been looking for the sharp tv one but found the wiki empty as well.  I have looked through the LG wiki you posted but have a few questions after reading it and comparing it to the spec document i have for my tv.

"Device data
Current Data                                        Comments                        Default Value
#37 COM Port on PC(string)                  The serial port                   
#76 COM Port ParityBit/Stop(string)          Parity/Stop bits (factory defaults)    N81       
#78 COM Port BaudRate(string)                Baud rate (factory default)            B9600       
#157 Discrete Volume(bool)                  Indicates if the volume on...             1

Settings are factory defaults and shouldn't be changed (9600 baud rate, 8 bits, 1 stop bit). Make sure that the check box for Allowed to Modify is checked, so that you can change to the appropriate COM port later. "

But according to my spec document i should set the baud rate to 19200 and no parity.  Are there major issues if i do this? (Once i get my machine up and running i might go for trial and error here if there are no answers....)

Secondly i am not sure how to deliver the payload to my TV.  The spec document calls for a very long string to be sent, much longer than in the LG example IE;

EF BE 10000 329 E8 1111 000 10C    which is much longer than the LG example.

Can anyone help me out with this? 



You will need to set the baud rate to match the comm input used or you'll have no communication on the port or misunderstood/garbage syntax.

What model of TV or you trying to hook up to?




Is anyone able to offer me a few more clues on using rs232?  I am also planning on using rs232 to control a yamaha ysp1, i have the details from yamaha of all the commands but dont really have an idea where to start!  Are there any copies of working rs232 scripts i could look at / change for the hardware I own?  The sharp tv stuff seems to have been taken of the wiki and the rest is all pretty general.


there are plenty of rs232 based tv templates in lmce, like LG or Sharp. You want a template for a GSD (generic serial device). You implement the "infrared codes" as ruby codes for rs232. It is really easy, just look at the existing templates, create a new one in the proper category, select device data and such, select command groups (tv commands, ...), put in ruby snippets for each command. There is a macro for the ruby conn_.Send("example\r") command, saves some typing: <$"example\r"$>

read this:

then this:

more background:

even more background:

best regards,
rock your home - [url=""][/url] home automation


On the same front, since the topic is already up, does anyone have any suggestion on a place to buy USB to RS232 converters in the US?  Any suggestions on what to avoid if anything?



Thanks for the links.  I am hoping it will be more obvious when i get my install up and running.  The only issue i have is that the commands my tv/amp ask for seem much longer than some of the other devices listed...  EF BE 10000 329 E8 1111 000 10C to just turn my TV on! 


and where is the problem with the command length? Those few bytes are send way fast over rs232.

br, Hari
rock your home - [url=""][/url] home automation