A few years ago, after using a Linux based PMP to have essentially movies on demand, the batteries started going wonkly after being in the docking base too long, and I had to look for replacements. MythTV was one solution, but I wasn't ready to take the plunge yet... I ended up with two Nueros OSDs. After noticing a few neat Bluetooth apps, like signal strenght detection and such, I though t to myself, "wouldn't it be neat to be able to control the whole house with a server that had bluetooth detection capabilities and MythTV functinality?!?!" Lo and behold, after a few Google seaches I discovered Pluto Home, and then its open source offspring, LinuxMCE.
I am now in the process of building my LinuxMCE Core server: a Dell 530 with 4 GB RAM, two Haupauge 1600 cards, 3 external USB Hard Drives, 2 wireless routers, soon to have a USB Z-wave controller, an HDHomeRun, and controlling two media directors; a Dell Studio Hybrid, and an Asus EEE Box B202.
I am trying to build a compiled LinuxMCE installation based on Kubuntu Jaunty 9.04, rather than Kubuntu 8.10, primarily because of all of the problems with the later in terms of video setup (no control over your Xorg because 8.10 ignores changes to the xorg.conf file). Another reason is that the more recent Haupauge cards, like the 1600, are better supported with later kernels. Has anyone tried doing something like this???