I have been trying to set a few boxes up now for the better part of 4 months now (ya I got sucked in by the video) now I am stuck with this, I can't get anyone to change their minds and go with something else. Not that I don't like LinuxMCE it stills has a long way to go yet. The metadata issue has really set me back trying to tag thousands of songs and movies has been a really chore at the least.
Now I need to find an alarm panel to use that is not going to take forever to set this up. I have a amd phenom 9500 quad core 4 gigs of corsair 800 mhz anyways that isn't really relevant but, I have a webpad dt366 and an itouch and iphone . I still need to find a way to set up a 6 zone audio system as well and so far the only thing I found is a russound cam/cav box that is almost $3000 if anyones knows anything better let me know. Don't get me wrong I do like the system, I am getting down to crunch time and need to get these finished.