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Missing Hard Drives - Drives come and go

Started by Techstyle, November 02, 2008, 01:24:08 PM

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I have three drives installed in my core:

Samsung SATAII 1Tb drive (which has th OS on it)
Hitachi SATAII 450Gb drive (NTFS)
WD IDE drive 200Gb (Linux)

after the core is up all three drives are available.  within the first day the NTFS drive (or any media on it) ceases to be available and when you look in Dolphin it apears to be unmounted.

I thought this was due to it being NTFS and was going to reformat but this morning (the core has been up for over a week) media from the WD Linux drive was missing.  when I looked in dolphin it apears to be mounted, I could access it and all media was there.  I ran a 'resychronise' in web admin and it said the device was offline.

When I reload there is nochange, when I reboot the drives are back

Can anybody help me and suggest a reason/solution to this?
Techstyle UK Ltd

Techstyle US Inc.


No really sure I entirely understand your description, but I can say that LMCE auto mounts drives as needed so it is entirely possible that you may see unmounted drives until you come to use them, then it will mount them and you should have access.

However, if you are seeing the online checkbox unchecked then there is a problem (and separate from the mounting issue). This indicates the status of the drive as LMCE sees it. If it was a network drive and the remote machine was down or unreachable for any reason this would be a legitimate reason for it to be unchecked - LMCE then hides any media that is located on that drive.



Thanks for the reply

Media stored on my hitachi (sdb1) and WD (hdb1) drives disapears form the video or audio lists after a period of time.  the drives are connected to the core motherboard in the same way as the Samsung drive that contains most of the media and the OS.

In webadmin --> files and media --> media files sync  I can access the WD drive but it has no files on it.  when I try to resync it says the drive is offline

where is the 'online' checkbox you are talking about?

Techstyle UK Ltd

Techstyle US Inc.


in the Devices Tree, there should be a device representing the drives (I don't know what it looks like for internal drives only network ones) in the device data there will be an online checkbox..


They both have the online box checked but are both still working since the reboot this morning

I will let you know when the first one disapears
Techstyle UK Ltd

Techstyle US Inc.


As I say, I have no experience with internal data drives, so probably can't help you from there. However, I'm assuming that there is a "device" to represent them in the devices tree and that is what you found. If so, hopefully the devices are DCE devices in which case there is a good chance that there is a log file for the activity. If you open the device data there should be a device number, say 40. You can then look in /var/log/pluto/40_<devicename> for its log messages when it goes off line... Failing that, I would assume you need to look at the internal Linux autofs or ntfs(-3g?) modules for their logs....


Techstyle UK Ltd

Techstyle US Inc.